Window Detective has a unique feature which intelligently remembers settings such as window positions and some often-used options. These settings are called "Smart Settings".
What are Smart Settings?
Basically, they are settings that remember the previous value set only if that value has been set often in the past. It will remember the most frequently used settings and ignore any one-time-only changes to those settings.
How does it work?
Each smart setting has a "history", a list of previously set values, as well as a current value. Each time a new value is set, it is added to the list, and an algorithm determines if that new value should be used as the current one or not. The algorithm checks all previous values and if they are all equal to the new value, then it becomes the current value. Otherwise the old current value is kept (but the new value is still remembered in the history).
The list of previous values has a maximum size of 3. This size determines how many times you must use a certain value before it is remembered. If this size is too large, Window Detective will only remember settings that you use very often. Too small, and it will remeber every little change you make.
Why are Smart Settings useful?
Each time you use Window Detective, you may be using it for different purposes or you may be using it for mostly the same purpose.
Other programs will remember only the last value set for such things as window positions and size. This may be fine if you want it to stay that way, but often you make a change to these settings that you don't want to be permanent.
For example, say you work with dual monitors - a primary monitor and a secondary, possibly smaller, one. When you start a program, you place it's window on the primary monitor where you work. But one time you need to move it to the second monitor to free up screen space on the first one. The next time you open the program you expect to see it open on the first monitor where it normally does but instead it opens on the second monitor. This may not be a big deal, but it can be quite annoying. This is where smart settings come in handy. Window Detective will remember that you like it to open on the first monitor, so if you use it on the second monitor one time, it will not remember that and will open in it's usual place next time.